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Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 12th ~ 16th

I hope all the moms had a great Mother's Day!

Teacher Appreciation Week was certainly a humbling experience. We teach because we love kids and it is so amazing to be spoiled and pampered like we were. I want to say a special Thank You for all of the beautiful gifts you gave as a class. I was overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness. Thank you Mrs. Krueger for doing the shopping and wrapping!
In case you are not aware of all the goodies your kindness provided ~ the list is as follows:
Monday - A beautiful cylinder planter with tulip bulbs. They were not open on Monday, but we watched as they blossomed throughout the week. They are now proudly displayed on my dining room table . . . and will end up planted in my yard to enjoy next year!
Tuesday - A great ceramic coffee cup with lid, Kona coffee beans, and a gourmet chocolate bar. I LOVE my coffee!
Wednesday - A body-pampering bag of goodies that included lavender body oils, lotions, liquid soap, bar soap, lip balm, and some yummy minty gum.
Thursday - A really fun "salad kit". It included a lovely glass salad bowl, California olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pink sea salt, pepper corns, wooden tongs, and three packets of lettuce seeds. When the weather cooperates, I will plant the lettuce and anxiously await the harvest.
Friday - A beautiful silver jewelry set that included a multi-strand silver necklace, earrings, and a bangle bracelet. It is a lovely set and I will think about this amazing group of kids when I wear it.
You are all incredible and I thank you so much for your love and support. I am blessed!

Our Smarter Balanced assessment was postponed on Friday due to website maintenance. We will still test this upcoming Monday from 9:30-11:30 and then try to complete our final assessment on Wednesday from 8:30-10:30.

Bike/Walk to School Week ~ I have challenged the kids to ride a 3-mile loop with me after school each day this week. We leave Poly Drive and head to 17th Street, turn around and ride past Poly Drive to Rehberg Lane, turn around again and head back to Poly Drive. This 3-mile loop takes about 20 minutes from the time we leave school . . . and the class with the most miles logged for the week wins a special treat. Unless we have lightning or tornadoes, we ride!

The Poly Drive Select Choir will perform for the students on Tuesday morning and then head off for their concert tour.

Muffins for Moms ~ Thursday in the gym from 7:30-8:30. Join your child for some muffins and juice!

L&C Middle School Tour for 6th Graders ~ We will leave Poly Drive via school bus at about 12:30 on Wednesday and the kids will have an opportunity to hear from Mr. Pomroy, the Principal, and tour the building. We will return to Poly Drive at about 2:30. If you have not returned your permission slip, please do so A.S.A.P.

6th GRADE PARENTS - L&C Middle School is holding a parent Open House this Thursday evening from 7-8. You and your child may attend to receive information about next year. There will be another Open House in August if you are unable to attend this one.

Zoo Montana Field Trip for 6th Graders ~ This Friday from 9:40 - 1:00.  We will travel via school bus, tour the zoo, have pizza & pop for lunch, and arrive back at Poly Drive at about 1:00 p.m.  Please make sure kids have jackets and good walking shoes. Water bottles are a good idea too. Mrs. Williams and I are sharing a guest teacher and 5th graders from both classes will be combined in my classroom for the day. Mrs. Williams and I will take the 6th graders to her room from 1-3.

Mr. Croff has asked me to cover for him on Tuesday and Thursday, while he serves on a new-hire interview panel. I will be in the building, but will have a guest teacher in my room on those days.

Spelling ~ We will work with Unit 33 words this week, complete written assignments on Tuesday and Thursday, and take a final test on Friday.
5th: Greek word parts
6th: Latin root words
Language ~ The kids will have written assignments on Monday and Wednesday.
5th: Analogies and root word extension practice
6th: Greek roots and suffixes and root word extension practice
Reading ~ Both grades are continuing with the novel The Watson's Go To Birmingham-1963. There are daily comprehension questions to answer and we discuss the novel in class. At the end of the book, the kids will view the movie version and will compare and contrast the versions.
The 5th graders will complete a close read of the article, Hide & Seek on Wednesday.
Math ~ Both 5th and 6th graders are working with expressions and equations and will study the properties of operations on Monday and then work with partners to complete hands-on, real world problems in class.
Social Studies ~ 6th graders will continue to learn about ancient China - the emperors and dynasties.
Science ~ As we continue learning about Newton's laws of physics, the kids will design methods to keep a raw egg from cracking or breaking. They may wrap, harness, or cushion the egg using materials from home. I am providing tape, eggs, and the carts to hold the eggs and 6th graders should have their materials at school by Tuesday. The carts - with eggs as passengers - will speed down a ramp and crash into a stationary wall at the bottom. We will see how many eggs survive!! The "Crash Test Dummies" will meet their fate on Tuesday.

I think that about covers it - Have a fantastic week.

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